
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Keep the Positive flow.

Time and time again we are struck with adversity and we can not seem to get past the idea that we are not going to make it through the difficult situation.  The thing is, that is NOT true, you CAN, and you WILL make it through whatever situation it is that you are going through.  Many times we forget that rough patches in our life are not forever, but we can't just sit around and expect things to get better, in order for things to get better we have to get up and make it happen.  

In this life we have a purpose, and in order to fulfill that purpose we have to work had to make it happen.  Things don't just happen. Nothing in this world is just handed to anyone, unless you're receiving inheritance from a rich family, but sadly, that is not the case for most of us.

In my own life, I have been struck by adversity.  I was told that I would not make it through high school at the early age of 5, I was just a kindergartener then and my teacher felt the need to tell my parents this information.  I was struck with adversity in my life when I was told I would fail the 2nd grade if my reading levels were not improved, and then again when I was told I wouldn't be able to pass my writing exam in the 5th grade.  I did not let the struggles get to me though, I continued to work hard toward the goal, and I made it through it. I passed, not only did I pass these objects but I made the A.  So hard work can get you to whatever it is that you want to be.  As a child, I also was considered "special" because I had a speech impediment, well after working side by side with an instructor everyday for 3 years in elementary school, you could never tell now that I ever had a problem pronouncing words correctly or speaking in general.

Before high school, you could of never gotten me to jump out of my chair and give a presentation, but after practice and working on it, it became something that was easy and fun for me to do,   You see, adversity is only the ways world of reminding us that we are human and that we can't just expect to be great at everything or to flow through life easily.  Even the river with the smoothest flow has a bumpy path every now and then.  We are only human and we will always have hurdles and obstacles to jump.
Tell me something though, if you were in track and field and you were in the jumping hurdle event, would you jump or would you just stop in front of it and not finish the race? No, you wouldn't. You would be trained and well practiced to jump.  It might take a little more work then running the straight path that has nothing to make you work a little harder but that's what makes the difference between one who is successful and one who is not.  
The one who is successful does not sit and cry at the site of adversity, rather they observe the situation and take the required steps needed in order to get where they want to.  That is how you become someone in this world. You work hard and you jump the hurdles that are placed in front of your path. You don't just let them stop you and you don't just beat around them. No. That does not help you grow as a person.

You can Hem and Ha all day, but you will never become somebody until you stop the Hem and the Haing and work hard to become someone.  Life is beautiful, and it has a lot to offer you. You just have to be ready to face the challenges that come with it.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pushing Back The Dark

Hello everyone!

Well I am a firm believer in God and my faith is one that is strong. I am not here to tell you to follow or to shove religion down your throat.

I am simply here to help you with your struggles and to realize that after the dark there is always light. You see a shadow can not be casted without some sort of light causing it, so even when you feel that you are walking in the shadows and that you are going no where you need to realize that there is light.

In this case, light signifies hope and hope is something that you must hold on to.  Once you lose hope then you just about lose everything in it. Once, you lose hope you lose the courage to go on and you will sink.

I know sometimes you wonder "Why should I even try? Who am I to make a change?"
Well stop. Right there. That is you defeating yourself before you even take a step towards your goals.  In order to accomplish something you have to be ready to fail, not only once but a thousand times, but you know what makes the person who achieves their goals greater than a failure? They failed but they didn't stay down. They picked up the pieces, took the criticism and made themselves better, until they became someone!  That's exactly what you must do!

Do NOT lose heart. Do NOT look back.  Do NOT give up.

Don't be afraid to fail, because you will, but you have to fail to succeed.  

Success will only come before work in the dictionary, if you want something you have to work hard for it.

I believe in you and I know that if you work hard, you WILL achieve it.

Do not believe the nay sayers who say that you can't do something, because once you accept someone's opinion then you accept their lifestyle, do not let someone else determine your success. Work hard and accomplish all that it is YOU want done.

You CAN DO it.

Push back the dark, and don't ever lose heart!


You may not see it, but you are altogether beautiful.  Every piece of you that you find as a flaw is only your way of being the unique and beautiful individual that you are!  

In the photo above you see a beautiful scenery of nature.  It has it's own unique way of being the beautiful area that it is!  

Just like the scenery of nature, you yourself are created beautifully. You are wonderful and maybe you don't see it but others who pass you by see past the illusion that you see when you look  in the mirror. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are worth more. You can overcome all the negative. Just keep on fighting. Press on and fight the good fight. You have what it takes. You are an Overcomer!!